Saturday, May 9, 2020

Rutgers students oppose tuition increase

NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J— Rutgers University students are not thrilled with yearly tuition increases. 

Rutgers has been increasing tuition yearly for both in and out of state students. 

“Being from Massachusetts, tuition is already basically doubled for me” said sophomore Kylie Thomas. 

Rutgers University tuition costs $15,407 for residents of New Jersey, and $32,189 for out state students. 

“I understand it is a state school, so obviously in state students will pay less, but they are paying half of what I’m paying. It just seems a bit excessive for out of state students” 

Tuition is significantly lower for in state students at Rutgers University. The incentive is to get students to stay in state (in New Jersey)  for their college education. 

Tuition was increased 2.9 percent for the 2019-2020 school year. 

Most students see this as an unnecessary action made by Rutgers. 

“Especially since Rutgers is a state university, I find (the increases) very unfair” sophomore Laura Esposito remarked. 

Some students question why the increase must be annual, and may be more accepting of the tuition rise if it were not occurring each year.

“I do have an issue with it being a persistent yearly increase, I don’t see why they couldn’t increase it bi annually or maybe once every four years” Esposito claims. 

If there must be increases, students want to know where the extra funds are being placed and what they’re benefiting. 

“With a yearly increase from each student, we could really change some things around Rutgers” said sophomore Sarina Langer, who is not necessarily opposed to the tuition increases if they are being put to good use. 

Much of the tuition increase goes to funding toward salary raises among faculty, so students do not necessarily “see” where their extra percentage of tuition per year is going. 

“I don’t see a point in paying extra to not see any real improvements on campus. College Ave could really use some updating, so why isn’t the money going toward that?” 

Langer’s point holds some truth to how students may feel about increases, but from data collected over 75 percent of students do not agree with the rising tuition costs. 

Tuition rises about 2-3 percent each year.

In 2015, in state tuition was $14,141, and out of state cost $29,521. 

In 2020, in state tuition jumped to $15,407, and out of state rose to $32,189, a 9 percent increase on both in and out of state tuitions. 

Along with tuition, students also pay room and board if they choose to live on campus.

The cost of room and board along with other student fees added up to $16,700 this school year- a 3.6% increase in just one year. 

“I don’t know what the majority of students’ situation is, but I know I am paying my own tuition”, Laura Esposito remarked, “I budget it and put away my own money for it each month, and with the prices continuously getting steeper it feels like it’s hard to keep my head above water sometimes”.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

breaking news - Rutgers bus system

Rutgers students have grown tired of the same old rutgers bus system, which continues to be an ongoing problem around campus.

Josh, a junior at Rutgers, highlights his displeasure with the bus system. " The LX buses are prioritized the most and that takes away from the students who are trying to get to other campuses."

He goes onto detail how during the busiest time for classes is when the Rutgers drivers begin to take their breaks, which delays students from making it to class on time.

" It gets to be frustrating, because you know your in a hurry and you really cant do anything about it." Josh explained.