Black Rutgers Takes on The Bars
NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J—As the sun sets, New Brunswick, New Jersey’s personality comes more and more to life. This means that students at Rutgers University have lots of places to choose from when it comes to where to spend their Friday and Saturday nights.
Heading to a bar is typically seen as a solid option for many students. However, not all bars are created equal.
Based on a survey done by The Tab, the top three bars for students at Rutgers are Olde Queens Tavern, Scarlet Pub, and Kelly’s Korner.
3. Kelly’s Korner
Although Kelly's Korner was determined to be the third best bar, it was also a place that many Rutgers students had never even considered going to.
Rutgers junior Diane Assante explains that she’s never been to Kelly’s Korner and neither have any of her friends.
This was true as well for many students. Junior Chris Burch even went as far to say that he doesn’t “get why that’s even in the top three.”
2. Scarlet Pub
While many students express that the Scarlet Pub is one of the go-to places, Burch says, “I still haven’t been to Scarlet Pub, there’s always a line.”
This constant and seemingly never-ending line at Scarlet Pub goes to show just how popular this bar is for the average Rutgers student.
1. Olde Queens Tavern
“It’s a very high social atmosphere dominated by white culture,” says Erin Byers about Olde Queens Tavern.
Byers, a Black female student, explains that when she's been at Olde Queens Tavern she felt a little out of place. Regardless of this fact, she says that it is still somewhere you can have a good time at as long as you don’t have any academic obligations.
All the interviewees were Black students at Rutgers whose personal preference on which bars to attend did not align with the list above. Black students preferred to go to The Knight Club over the rest of the bars.
Belonging to what students call “Black Rutgers” results in having a very different college experience than the rest of the school’s students, thus having the hangout spots be different as well.
The seven best bars for Rutgers' dominant culture are as follows:
7. Evelyn’s Restaurant
6. Stuff Yer Face
5. Golden Rail
4. The Knight Club
3. Kelly's Korner
2. Scarlet Pub
1. Olde Queens Tavern